By streamers for streamers

Customize your stream in one minute!

Enhance your stream's visual experience, stand out with a unique identity and engage your community with a wide range of ready-to-use themes

How does
Streali work?


Find your Streali theme

Discover your perfect Streali theme in just a minute with a diverse selection of ready-to-use themes aligned with your identity. Whether it's for your chat, music, or alerts, customize your experience to the fullest for you and your viewers.

41 available themes

Get Your Embedded Link Quickly

Tired of spending ages customizing your stream identity? A ready-made link is available in no time—all you have to do is choose your themes. You can get multiple embedded links with different settings to best suit your needs.

41 available themes

Admire Your Streali Theme!

Use your embedded link, paste it into your streaming software, and enjoy a new visual experience: rethink your identity and impress your viewer community with a professional interface!

41 available themes

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